Yoga Sutra and Hath Yoga In Porguese with Maria and Marcello, next Class April 6th
In Collaboration with the Yoga Society of SF
April 6, 2024 @ 5:00 am – 7:00 am PDT
Yoga Sutra and Hatha Yoga with Marcello and Maria.
Class in Portuguese
Hatha yoga is in-person
in Brazil, at Jardim de Ananda – Yoga Shala (Brasília city)and
Yoga Sutra online on Zoom (ID: 850 3131 9801 password: 108)
Starts on April 6th and continues every first Saturday of the month.
Hatha Yoga 9 am and Yoga Sutra 10 am Brasilia Time
for more info please contact Marcello and /or Maria (
Join us:
About Yoga Sutra
The purpose of the Yoga Sūtras is to eliminate human misery by means of knowledge of the self and the universe. This goal of eliminating misery is shared by each of the six Indian spiritual sciences, called darśanas. The Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali is one of them and is also known as Yoga-darśana. In ancient India, darśana is synonymous with science. The word derives from the root dṛś, which means to see. A darśana helps one see that which is not previously seen or recognized, much as a periscope or telescope lets one see things that are obstructed or far away.
Consciousness, along with nature, is a fundamental element of this cosmos. Life is an interaction between them. Knowledge of both is the path to all-round wellbeing. This is the essence of Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtras.
bhogāpavargārtham dṛśyam – 2.18
Everything that we experience (nature) is for enjoyment and liberation. Enjoyment (bhoga) includes everything in this nature – objects, people, our bodies, and our mind. Yes, even our thoughts, emotions, and memories are all part of nature. We tend to think of them as an intimate part of ourselves. But, that is where the yogic wisdom comes to dispel our misconception. Considering ourselves as one and the same as our mind is the true source of all misery. Yoga says that you are free from the qualities of your mind, which is part of nature. When you are able to abide in your core self, the modifications of nature (our thoughts, emotions, memories) cannot enslave us. You will be free from all misery. You are independently happy. That is the supreme self-reliance or independence (kaivalya) that yoga is trying to teach.
Patañjali mentions that the purpose of our interaction with nature is for enjoying nature as well as achieving liberation from it (apavarga). This is attained by knowing the true essence of your core self. Our life consists of taking both the outward path (experience of nature) and the inward path (abiding in our core self). Lack of awareness and education of the latter is the reason why we constantly stay dissatisfied with life.
The aphorisms of Patañjali shed light on the mechanisms of pleasure and misery and describe the path to liberation, which a higher state of consciousness that is free from the dualities of pleasure and pain. Upon achieving liberation, consciousness remains fully content in its own self. That is the all-around satisfaction that we all innately yearn for every moment of our life but cannot attain because we are constantly seeking it in the objects of nature.
Consciousness realizes its own essence by differentiating itself from nature. That is why the experience of nature is essential to attain liberation. This is the purpose of consciousness coming into contact with nature and experiencing life. Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali describes various practices to attain true knowledge of one’s core self.