Agnihotra is performed for self-healing and world peace. Please join us.
Agnihotra and Satangs are now open to the public.
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If needed passcode 108
Mon-Fri ( Morning and Evening)
7.30-8.00 am
7.30-8.00 pm
8.00 am-8.45 am ( No Evening)
This is a free daily event, open to everyone.
Yogis have used Agnihotra and other Vedic fire ceremonies with chanting for thousands of years as a tool for personal and worldwide healing. Those who take part in the ceremony are greatly benefited, and in turn, help to create a more peaceful atmosphere everywhere.
The daily Agnihotra ceremony at Brahmananda Ashram (YSSF) includes:
- 5 minutes of mantras and fire ceremony
- 20 minutes of silent meditation
- 5 minutes of closing mantra
Agnihotra is a healing fire from the ancient science of Ayurveda. It is a process of purifying the atmosphere through a specially prepared fire. Anyone in any walk of life can do Agnihotra and heal the space around them. Thousands of people all over the world have experienced that Agnihotra reduces stress, leads to greater clarity of thought, improves overall health, and increases energy.
A Golden Opportunity
Significance of the Agnihotra by Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati
Removing pollution from Space, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire,
leading to the purification of the five elements back to their natural state.
Anti-Nuclear Pollution
Counteracting chemical and nuclear pollutants.
Anti-Biological Pollution
Combating destructive insects and bacteria
Increased Productivity of Our Earth
Including food crops, gardens, and forests
stimulating the growth of the whole vegetable kingdom.
Mental Cleansing
Removing inner pollution from our minds and emotions.
Holistic Healing
Union of the individual psyche with the Cosmic psyche
through the flame of Agnihotra and Homa fires.
Mantras chanted during Agnihotra
I offer this oblation to Agni, ruler of the earthly region. (bhuh)
I offer this oblation to Vayu, governing the atmosphere. (bhuvah)
I offer this oblation to Surya, light of the heavenly region. (svha)
I offer this oblation to Prajapati, Cosmic Conciousness,
Lord of the terrestrial, atmospheric and celestial planes.
This offering is not for my benefit alone, but for the welfare of all.
SVAHA – the sacred sound uttered as the oblation is offered to the fire, representing the union between the individual and the universal consciousness.
The Great Death-Conquering Mantra
We meditate on Supreme Consciousness in the form of Shiva, with the third eye of inner vision, who is the object of devotion and the source of all growth and nourishment.
May we be released peacefully from bondage and suffering, as the ripe fruit is released from the vine. May we be free from the idea of death, but never from immortality!
Guru Mantra
Salutations to that inner Guru, the inner guiding light, which is never-ending bliss, the giver of supreme happiness, one-without-a-second, the pulsation of Consciousness, beyond dualism, beyond subject and object; which is like blue sky and is indicated by such statements as “Thou art That” and “I and my Father are one,” and which is the final aim of life; one, eternal, pure, without pollution, all the time with you, the witness of all wisdom, beyond all states of being and beyond the three gunas – sattva, rajas, tamas, electronic, protonic and neutronic forces. I bow to that inner Guru.